I never set out to make videos.

Mostly I just wanted to design products. Until one fateful day when my boss said:

“Hey, we have a really exciting new feature coming out. I want you to make a video for it.”

I was new to the company, and wanted to make a good impression, so I said “okay!” despite having never done anything like that before.

That first video was bad. But the next one was a little better. And then I couldn’t stop trying to make each one significantly better, and now we find ourselves here.

Given my unorthodox beginnings into video production and product marketing, I do a lot of things on my own. With a few exceptions, almost all of the work you see on this site was written, designed, directed, VO’d, and animated by just little old me. With input and feedback along the way from many thoughtful and talented stakeholders and teammates.


Andy is the Creative Director for Product Video at InVision. He lives in Portland, OR, with his beautiful family.

He has no idea why this part of his website is in the third person when everything else is in the first, but he’s going with it anyways.